Sex Addiction Help Blogs



Trauma is something that most of us have experienced in one way or another, whether it was through abuse, abandonment, or a circumstance that we had no control over. As children, when we do not have access to resources that help us navigate through the pain of these...

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4 Ways That Childhood Trauma Impacts Adults

4 Ways That Childhood Trauma Impacts Adults

When we bury our feelings, we bury who we are Whether you witnessed or experienced violence as a child or your caretakers emotionally or physically neglected you, when you grow up in a traumatizing environment you are likely to still show signs of...

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The Fantasy Bond

The Fantasy Bond

The Fantasy Bond: A Substitute for a Loving Relationship Defences formed in childhood hurt adult relationships. Most people have fears of intimacy and are self-protective and at the same time are terrified of being alone. Their solution to their emotional dilemma is...

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sex addiction childhood trauma and addiction

sex addiction childhood trauma and addiction

Therefore, there's a strong correlation between childhood trauma and addiction later in life, because the addiction becomes the solution to the anxiety and stress of the trauma. Research findings revealed, including these: that 72% of sex addicts...

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Sex Addiction and Attachment styles

Sex Addiction and Attachment styles

We know that over 70% of individuals with sexual addiction come from rigid, authoritarian, and disengaged households where addiction is already present among family members For individuals that grew up in a perceived dangerous, high intensity environment,it was likely...

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Sex Addict Profile

Sex Addict Profile

It was determined that sex addicts tend to come from families where addiction is common.  For example, mothers (25%), fathers (38%), and siblings (46%) had significant alcohol problems. Mothers (18%), fathers (38%), and siblings (50%) had similar problems with sexual...

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Overcoming Religious Sexual Shame

Overcoming Religious Sexual Shame

An epidemic of sexual shame is crippling people taught to be "pure." An entire generation of people are encountering crippling sexual shame and pain, as they wrestle with their sexual desires and interests, in a world for which they were unprepared. For decades,...

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