Sex Addiction Help Blogs

Here’s how your porn use affects your wife.

Here’s how your porn use affects your wife.

It makes her feel insecure She immediately thinks something is wrong with her. Women spend a lot of time beating themselves up and obsessing about their faults. A husband’s porn use validates all of the negative things his wife thinks about herself. If she only looked...

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How Pornography Affects Marriage

How Pornography Affects Marriage

WHAT SCIENCE SAYS ABOUT PORNOGRAPHY AND MARRIAGE The truth is… Porn is NOT harmless!  Porn is destroying marriages. 10 WAYS PORN PUTS YOUR MARRIAGE IN DANGER But the truth is, pornography is not saving or strengthening marriages, it’s destroying and...

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Am I addicted to pornography?

Am I addicted to pornography?

Porn addiction occurs when the person viewing pornography, with or without masturbating, loses control over whether or not he/she will engage in that behavior. Porn addicts look at and use porn compulsively, despite consequences that include: An inability to form...

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Pornography 4 truths

Pornography 4 truths

“All men watch porn.” “It’s normal.” “It’s just something done in private. It doesn’t hurt anyone.” These are some of the lies the enemy would have us believe about pornography; especially the last statement. But the truth is exactly the opposite. Viewing porn results...

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Porn Really Affects Your brain

Porn Really Affects Your brain

How Watching Porn Really Affects Your BRAIN When people view X-rated images it causes a surge in the chemical dopamineRepeated dopamine surges means the brain comes desensitised to itMore is needed for the same ‘hit’ – meaning men are unexcited by ordinary...

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Porn husband couldn’t perform

Porn husband couldn’t perform

My Husband Was So Addicted to Porn He Couldn't Have Sex in Real Life When one partner starts looking at porn, it triples the risk of divorce, according to a new study. One woman knows why all too well. By Anonymous Six years ago, when I first met Tim*,...

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Porn and Erectile Dysfunction

Porn and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been increasing in sexually active men under 40. Internet porn is in some ways to blame for this rise, with a growing number of studies showing a correlation between porn and ED. Now, researchers have identified pornography-induced...

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What Is Pink Cloud Syndrome?

What Is Pink Cloud Syndrome?

Many sex addicts experience a “honeymoon period” in early recovery, in which they suddenly lose all desire to engage in their addiction. The pink cloud is a temporary feeling of euphoria toward their recovery process. Some people might describe it as feeling “high on...

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