Therefore, there’s a strong correlation between childhood trauma and addiction later in life, because the addiction becomes the solution to the anxiety and stress of the trauma.
Research findings revealed, including these:
- that 72% of sex addicts were physically abused as children;
- 81% were sexually abused as children;
- and 97%, emotionally abused as children.
- 73% of addict come from homes where there is not much affection and are rigid and “black and white.”
- Similar problems with sexual acting out existed in mothers (25%), fathers (38%), and siblings (46%).
- Parallel patterns existed with eating disorders, pathological gambling, and compulsive work habits.
- 87 % of sex addicts reported a family of origin with addictions.
Consequently, we know that growing up in a family with existing addictions is a factor.
- 77% of sex addicts in the study experienced their families as rigid, dogmatic, and inflexible.
- Researchers found families to be disengaged (87%), i.e., detached, uninvolved, and emotionally absent. Thus, they came from environments in which failure to bond was the norm.
- Role of child abuse. Addicts reported physical abuse (72%), sexual abuse (81%), and emotional abuse (97%). Furthermore, the more sexually and physically abused the respondents were as children, the more addictions they had as adults.
- Emotional abuse was a significant factor in addicts who abused children themselves.
In Summary:
The best way of coping with an addiction is to know how it begins in your family of origin and changing the way you think since those changes change the you behave. Counseling does that for you.
Also, don’t pass on your porn and sex addiction onto your children the way your parents did to you!