Porn and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been increasing in sexually active men under 40. Internet porn is in some ways to blame for this rise, with a growing number of studies showing a correlation between porn and ED. Now, researchers have identified pornography-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) and pornography-induced abnormally low libido.

  1. It turns out that high exposure to pornography videos can result in lower responsivity in a male and an increased need for more extreme or kinky material for him to become aroused.
  2. Or in other words, as some consumers develop a tolerance for sexual-arousing material, the porn that used to excite them starts to seem boring.
  3. Predictably, they often try to compensate by spending more time with porn and/or seeking out more hardcore material in an effort to regain the excitement they used to feel.
  4. Many consumers find themes of aggression, violence, and increasingly “edgy” acts creeping into their porn habits and fantasies.
  5. And due to this porn overload, some guys are no longer aroused in the presence of a partner. They begin to experience sexual dysfunction, and even ED, and can only become sexually excited when watching porn, 

As you might expect, watching porn is a very powerful experience that leaves a strong and lasting impression in the brain. Every time you watch porn—especially if you heighten the experience by masturbating—you are strengthening the part of your brain map that connects arousal to porn.  Meanwhile, the pathways connecting arousal to things like seeing, touching, or cuddling with a partner aren’t getting used. Pretty soon, natural turn-ons aren’t enough, and many porn consumers find they can’t get aroused by anything but porn.

  • Young men who, because of their porn use, can’t get it up with a real, live partner.
  • Many guys find themselves unable to maintain an erection in the absence of porn.
  • The internet and other avenues provide an unlimited amount of content, so some men begin to watch massive amounts of porn to maintain high levels of sexual arousal.

When they try to engage with a real sexual partner, the arousal they feel does not fit their expectations and they are unable to maintain an erection. Sexual activities that would normally give people a burst of dopamine and make them happy are no longer enough to sustain them. They constantly have to look at porn to get the sensation they need, and this can lead to ED.

Porn-Induced ED

The good news is that studies have shown that some men with ED who watched porn were able to obtain a regular erection once the porn was removed.