Sex Addiction Help Blogs

How Family Origin Fuels Sex and Porn Addiction

How Family Origin Fuels Sex and Porn Addiction

Sex and Porn addictions are complicated mental illnesses. Thankfully, as of recent years, we now know more about the condition than ever before. One fact we now understand for certain is that family of origin fuels and feeds sex and porn addiction. Simply stated, a...

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Transvestic Disorder

Transvestic Disorder

Transvestism is a paraphilia in which an individual experiences recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing, or dressing as the opposite gender, and in which that person's urge to do so causes significant distress or impairment in his or her daily life....

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Childhood Trauma and Masturbation

Childhood Trauma and Masturbation

For some addicts, masturbation was their first way of self-medicating. Masturbation is a funny word. It might make you giggle thinking about the first time you got caught by your parents or caught your little brother in the act. It can be a great way to release...

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The Torture of Betrayal

The Torture of Betrayal

Are you still you reeling?  Perhaps your partner’s sex addiction shocked you at first and then left you feeling stuck, heartsick and ashamed. Even now, you may be thinking, “It’s too much, how can things ever be right again?” Such a violation changes you. Whatever...

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The Myth of the “Normal” Childhood

The Myth of the “Normal” Childhood

Why are you a Sex Addict? It is not unusual for sex addicts to ask “How did I get this way? I had such an ordinary childhood.” Nobody survives childhood unwounded. And many kinds of stressful or frightening experiences can become sexualized along the way, leading to...

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Attachment Styles Part 1: Dismissive-Avoidant

Attachment Styles Part 1: Dismissive-Avoidant

Dismissive-avoidant attachment style is one of three observed forms of insecure attachment. Contrasted with secure attachment, where people are able to enjoy stable relationships, insecure attachment often leads to unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships. For...

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