Healthy vs Addictive Sex

Addictive Sex

  • Feels shameful
  • Is illicit, exploitative
  • Compromises values
  • Draws on fear or excitement
  • Re-enacts childhood abuse
  • Disconnects one from oneself
  • Creates world of unreality
  • Is self-destructive and dangerous
  • Uses conquest or power
  • Is seductive
  • Serves to medicate or kill pain
  • Is dishonest
  • Becomes routine
  • Requires double life
  • Is grim and joyless
  • Demands perfection

Healthy Sex

  • Adds to self-esteem
  • Has no victims
  • Deepens meaning
  • Uses vulnerability for excitement
  • Cultivates sense of being adult
  • Furthers sense of self
  • Expands reality
  • Relies on safety
  • Is mutual and intimate
  • Takes responsibility for needs
  • Originates in integrity
  • Presents challenges
  • Integrates most authentic parts of self
  • Is fun and playful
  • Accepts the imperfect